Kurve is heading to IBM IoT Exchange - TRIRIGA Academy

April 2, 2019

Tjene is heading to IBM IOT Exchange (TRIRIGA Academy) in Orlando from April 24-26 and we hope to see you all there! We will be showcasing all three of our Kurve products at our booth. If the big orange back drop doesn’t draw you in, follow your nose, we will be serving fresh popcorn as well!  Check us out and pick up some free swag!

We will also be running two in-depth sessions on our Kurve Solutions products:

  • Kurve let's your data tell the story -This session will provide an in-depth talk about how Kurve can enhance your TRIRIGA reporting real-time.
  • Thursday, April 25, 2019 from 1:15-2:00pm in room FLORIDA 7 (Implementation, Configuration and Upgrades)
  • Kurve Predictive Analytics - Predict tomorrow’s real estate portfolio today.
  • Wednesday April 24, 2019 from 1:15-2:00pm in room FLORIDA 6 (Products and Technology)

Successful week at IoT Exchange

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