We support the following browsers:
We recommend using Chrome when using Kurve.
In order for Kurve to accurately determine the type of each data field in a TRIRIGA query, Kurve checks the two-letter suffix on each field name. We recommend following the standard TRIRIGA naming convention for field name suffixes in order to guarantee the expected behaviour when using these fields on Kurve records.
The TRIRIGA field types and the corresponding suffixes recognized by Kurve are:
If any of these 5 suffixes are on the field name, Kurve will automatically change the display type and filters for the column appropriately.
If a field does not have the appropriate suffix and the display type or filter options need to be changed, we recommend that a custom column be created with the same value as the desired column, and then the column type can be manually set.
Any field without a suffix or an unsupported data type will be treated as a text field in Kurve.
For large TRIRIGA datasets (>20000), we recommend setting up specific queries for each Kurve report/graph, with only the required columns, thus grouping data into more manageable sets.This reduces the memory needed by the TRIRIGA server and reduces load times.We recommend that any filters that will always be in effect on reports/graphs should be set on the source query. Kurve filters are meant more for user manipulation and dynamic conditions(e.g. based on today’s date).
We recommend using specific associations in your queries to help filter out duplicate line items between different BO’s. For example, if you are pulling in capital projects with budgets you have to use two modules, triProject and triPayment. There may be multiple associations between each line item and the project, resulting in duplicated rows. You can use a specificAssociation, such as “Has”, to remove the duplicates.
Another example would be filtering for projects only associated to the logged in user. Changing the data scope can allow you to filter through specific results.
Tjene is happy to schedule a query best practice session for all Kurve clients.
Kurve Graphs and Kurve Reports can be OM'd through different environments with ease. You should always OM Kurve Graphs and Reports with their associated TRIRIGA Queries.
If you are pushing Kurve Graphs and Reports multiple times into the same environment, please ensure you delete the old one as the new one will not overwrite the old one.
Kurve has sharing capabilities based off who you would like to see your work. All reports and graphs are set to private by default so that only the creator and admins can see the report. You should keep graph/reports that are works in progress as private.
If you would like everyone with security access to see your work, you can share it publicly. If you would like a specific individual to see it, you can share it with individuals.
If you would like individuals in a specific security group, you can share it with these groups.
When graphs or reports are shared, others are able to make a copy and make changes as they see fit.
As a TRIRIGA or Kurve Admin, you will have the ability to edit other users graphs or reports.
If you accidentally delete a record, you can either undo immediately, or contact your admin who can restore the record for you.
The link to Kurve is dynamic with their TRIRIGA link, for example: [Your_Tririga_URLl]/p/web/Kurve
Once users start creating Kurve reports and graphs, and sharing them with other users, it might get hard to find your favorites! We recommend pinning them on the Kurve dashboard for easy access.
Do not use any account without a profile record to create your Kurve visualizations.
For example, the “System” account. If you are using this account, the visualizations are able to be created, however, no user will be assigned, so your visualizations will disappear from the portal.
If you’ve already been creating these visualizations in this account, use the Kurve Admin Portal to reassign the records to a user.
When loading Kurve, you will get three security groups in the package. See the following descriptions to determine what security group you should provide to your users. Please note, any user already in the “Admin Group” for TRIRIGA will automatically have Kurve Admin capabilities.